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Updated CoA format

Hello fungal chemistry enthusiats. I'm writting to inform we have updated our Certificate of Analysis format to reduce imitations and provide more value with your results. I want to share the new format here as to validate that these are in fact genuinely issued by TrypLabs. I also want to go into a little detail on how to navigate the new format. To start, we have watermarked the page. This effort is to increse the technical capabiliteis needed to fake our certificate, thus making it less likely for someone to go through that trouble, instead of just paying the relatively affordable price to actually test their material. The top data fields are relatively unchanged. A newer version of our logo at the top left greets you. You can find who submitted the sample for analysis in the field on the right, along with the date the report was generated and a unique report ID. We now have included along with sample name a breakown of the genus, species, and strain information, in the instance that the sample name does not inform this. We have also included a field for harvest date. This is nice as it not only informs the potency data, but timestamps the material alongside the certificate. Our analyte fields are the same analytes and reporting units we've been testing for over the past 8 months. We've added a new data bar feature to visualize the potency alongside the number. This data bar is relative to each sample, and is not to be used to compare from one sample to another. We are considering standardizing databar lengths, but for now feel that relative potency is valuable. On the right of the analyte fields we've added a completely new featiure, sharing with our clients the qualitative HPLC fingerprint. This is really cool and pretty unique to our CoA's at the moment. While still not a complete picture, this provides valuable info into the unique aspects of your sample aside from the quantitative report. Below this we have a space for sample photo input. This isn't new. We've removed any photo captions, as it should be self evident. Below the photo we have some new tables. We have an additional analyte table, which leaves space for new analytes. For now this field includes serotonin and L-tryptophan, though we hope to increase our lists. We made the decision to keep these separate from the tryptamine alkaloid fields, as to not confuse these as being summed into the combined potency value. While we are not sure how these compounds may affect the experience, we do not see them as relavent to incorporate into a potency number at this time. We've added one last new feature, another unique one to TrypLabs, looking at ratios of the different compounds. We segregated the ratios into 3 different catagories based on what they may inform: Biosynthetic pathway ratios - These are ratios that examine the relationship of molecules along the biosynthetic pathway of psilocybin from L-tryptophan. These values may be unique to different strains or species, and can inform potential applications and medicinal value. De-phosphorylation ratios - These ratios compare psilocibin to psilocin, as well as the same relationship for psilocybin's varying methylation degree analogs. While the factors that contribute to this are multivariate, these numbers can inform product quality, shelf stability, and potentially percieved effects. Panaeolus specific ratio - Our favorite coprophilic genus Panaeolus have the synthetic capability of 5-substituting tyrptamines. We're not entirely sure what all possible compounds they're making with these capabilities, or how, but for now we are quantifying the ratio of 4 to 5 substituted tryptamines. We've found that some species make a lot more serotonin, while others make a lot more psilocybin, and we find that interesting. Aside from that there are some notes at the bottom to help indicate or interpret. For example, if an analyte has a * symbol, it is below our method quantitation limit (MQL). I've also added a small signature, to let you know, It's still me making these out to you. Thank you so much for your support. I hope you found this helpful, and feel free to reach out with any questions. Oh, before I forget, If you want to validate the authenticity of a report, you can always request a copy direct from me, with permission from the owner of the certificate. Please email and cc your favorite grower/maker. We hope the new version helps instill trust and make imitations more difficult, so you don't have to go to extensive lengths. But in the event you're not 100% certain, it is best to reach out. Wishing you all a happy holiday season, and a more peaceful tomorrow, Jordan Jacobs Chemist TrypLabs



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